Board of Directors
Donni Zheng
Founder & CEODonni is the chief producer at China’s most influential TV network (CCTV), inclusive fashion pioneer, and an investor, dedicated to empowering women and young generations to own their bodies and achieve their full potential through media, education, and investing.
Donni started Healthy Fashion Movement in 2017, which makes history as the first Asian-led fashion movement, breaking the stereotyped beauty standards and help young people prevent eating disorders through media & education. Donni also started Visionary Society in 2023, which provides life-strategy education, brand strategy consulting and investing in AI to empower young leaders to achieve their full life potential. One of the recent AI-Robot company Donni invests and joins as their global CBO is the world's first anti-aging Beauty AI-Robot.
So far, the Healthy Fashion Movement and Visionary Society has reached over 9 million people from 14 countries worldwide.
Donni was graduated from UCLA and awarded a full-tuition scholarship at Columbia University.
Joan Bateman
PartnerJoan Bateman is an Internationally known Visual Artist / HMUA & Stylist and a Mental Health Advocacy /Influencer for Fashion Diversity and Inclusion. She is experienced as a Registered Psychiatric Nurse pioneering unique and successful mental health therapies. She is also a professional public speaker, whose keynotes specialize in the issues surrounding body dysmorphia and self-confidence. She is known as an NYC & Fashion Week fashion photographer & stylist, as well as a runway educator and model coach.
Her Photographic experience includes Full-service portrait studio and celebrity photography & Interviews & profiles, including Tom Hanks, Emma Watson, Peter Dinklage, Christopher Plummer, Barbara Streisand.
She is CEO of Peace of Mind Counseling.
And is the founder of the International DICI Database (Diverse/ Inclusive / Curvy / International - Registrar for fashion industry professionals to collaborate & forward the Inclusion Agenda in the Fashion Industry).
Mark G. Wallrapp
Media & Communications
Accomplished Executive with over 15 years of successful business development and operational leadership at Facebook, Yahoo, Reddit, etc.
Passion in managing organizational change to achieve optimal results with an entrepreneurial leadership style. Proven track record of searching out innovative, profitable solutions and leveraging strategies to realize results. Demonstrated Business-management skills to drive gains in revenue, market share and profit performance.
Areas of focus include digital media, measurement and attribution philosophies related to branding, cross-platform/device integration, programmatic (SEM, DSP) and video-1st based solutions.
Mr. Wallrapp was graduated from Yale and Stanford University. (Link)
Vera Wang
Partner & Life CoachCommunity Outreach & E-commerce"Women Empowerment is my calling."
Vera focuses her life on 5 pillars: spirituality, health, wealth, love, and fulfillment. She is a strong believer in living life with purpose, love, and joy and inspired many to do the same. One of her initiatives, Miss Fashion Week, is a big advocate for positive self-image, self-love, and self-confidence. She wants to inspire women of all ages to embrace themselves for who they are. She Marketplace is an extension of Miss Fashion Week, the first and only eCommerce platform for women empowerment with a focus on self-help and self-care.
With a Master’s in Computer Science, Veron keens with digital marketing and a practice expert in social media marketing, SEO, email marketing, and eCommerce. (Link)
Jeffrey B. Rotwitt
Strategic & Financial AdvisorJeffrey B. Rotwitt is the President and CEO of Sun Center Studios, America’s newest state-of-the-art entertainment and media facility, which has hosted major Hollywood feature film productions.
For over 35 years, Mr. Rotwitt has been practicing corporate and real estate law, particularly in the areas of investments, joint ventures and real estate development. Mr. Rotwitt has a successful track record in various roles as sponsor, counsel or investor in many specialty or trophy real estate developments, private equity funds and start-up companies both entrepreneurially and through institutional investments.
Mr. Rotwitt received his Bachelor of Arts and Juris Doctor from the University of Pennsylvania, and MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Kai Chang
Life Strategy AdvisorNGO ManagementA passionate advocate for personal resilience.
While working in the financial services sector and serving as a Competitive Intelligence/Market Research advisor in Silicon Valley, Kai served as a volunteer First Responder (Community Emergency Response Team) and instructor, teaching thousands of people disaster preparedness, CPR, and injury care through CitizenMedic. He has addressed Boy Scout Troops, engineers, corporate executives, and ambassadors, helping them become more resilient and better-equipped to save the lives of their loved ones.
More about our Founder Donni Zheng
Donni Zheng(东小妮):
历史首位 颠覆了时尚审美话语权被西方垄断的局面、在国际上掀起社会文化新潮的中国人;
中国唯一 获得与巴菲特齐名的华尔街金融大佬 吉姆·罗杰斯(Jim Rogers)投资的华人文化科技领军人物;
亚洲首位 颠覆了以刘雯、奚梦瑶、杜鹃等超模为代表的“以瘦为美”单一审美时代、登上《时尚芭莎》杂志封面、开创了象征着女性觉醒的“多元审美”新时代的新生代国际先锋文化引领者。
东小妮正引领着一场席卷全球的时尚文化科技热潮。2017年起在美国洛杉矶发起“爱上不完美”热潮(Healthy Fashion Movement),开创了象征着女性觉醒“多元审美”新时代;2023年基于爱上不完美热潮的全球影响力,创办“梦想家俱乐部”(Visionary Society),致力于通过文化教育、品牌战略、AI科技投资,赋能新一代梦想家们自信勇敢地绽放人生潜能、活出不设限的人生。
东小妮因引领“爱上不完美”热潮及“梦想家俱乐部”的全球影响力,荣登美国亚马逊六大畅销榜榜首、胡润U30先锋精英榜、APEA亚太杰出青年领袖榜单等。曾被央视CCTV、人民日报、亚太杰出青年企业家、凤凰网、Vogue、巴黎时装周等海内外权威媒体平台争相报道;和英国王室哈利王子、梅根王妃、超模Bella Hadid一同出现在美国新闻头条,被外媒及CCTV等权威媒体誉为“Revolutionary Pioneer”国际时尚文化教育行业的颠覆者、变革者、多元审美时代先锋引领者。迄今影响力遍布中、美、英、法、澳等全球14个主流国家900万年轻人。